NORMAN General Assembly meeting 2023

December 7, 2023 | 9h00-20h00 CET

December 8, 2023 | 9h00-13h00 CET

About this event

The General Assembly meeting is the annual event where NORMAN's 90+ member organisations meet up to present the on-going activities and discuss their visions for future science-to-policy activities in synergy with other projects and networks. To maximise the exchanges and make the most of this special moment in an informal atmosphere, we will organise two Word Café sessions. Moreover, this year the GA meeting will be organised back-to-back to the NORMAN Workshop on “Innovative Approaches for Environmental Monitoring of Chemical Pollution and Biodiversity” (hybrid), 6 December. This is a public event open also to external participants.


7 December 2023 – Day 1

From 9h00 to 18h00 (CET)

08h30 – 09h00

Registration and coffee
 09h00 – 09h30

Opening and Welcome
  • Welcome by the host
  • Welcome by the Chairman, Jaroslav Slobodnik
  • Round table of participants
  • Approval of the agenda
 09h30 – 11h00

Working Groups Highlights (Chairs: Jan and Gunnar) 

Pitch presentations, 10 min per WG + 5 min questions on the essential points: achievements and future plans (extensive time will be devoted in the World Café of day 2 for discussion of the WG projects)

WG1 Prioritisation (Valeria Dulio, INERIS; Nikiforos Alygizakis, EI; Peter von der Ohe, UBA)

WG2 Bioassays (Henner Hollert, Goethe University of Frankfurt)

WG3 Effect Directed Analysis for identification of hazardous contaminants (Melis Mus-Massei, UFZ; Frederic Béen, VU)

WG4 Nano-and micro scale particulate contaminants (Ralf Kägi, Eawag; Bert van Bavel, NIVA)

WG5 Water reuse and policy support (Geneviève Deviller, DERAC; Lian Lundy, LTU)

 10h45 – 11h15

Coffee break
 11h15 – 12h30

Working Groups Highlights (Chairs: Pawel and Valeria)

WG6: Emerging substances in the indoor environment (Lisa Melymuk, RECETOX, Pim Leonards, VU; Adrian Covaci, Antwerp University)

WG8 CEC in the Marine environment (Fiona Regan, DCU; Brendan McHugh, Marine Institute)

PS-CWG: Cross-Working Group Activity Passive Sampling (Ian Allan, NIVA; Cécile Miège, INRAE)

NTS-CWG: Cross-Working Group Activity Non-target screening (Juliane Hollender, Eawag)

Key messages from the NORMAN Database Workshop (26-27 Oct, Athens) (Jaroslav Slobodnik, EI)

 12h30 – 13h30

 13h30 – 14h30

Latest generation toxicity predicting models for chemicals and unknown structures
  • ToxAI: a holistic risk characterisation and environmental fate prediction tool using deep learning models (Peter von der Ohe, UBA and Reza Aalizadeh, University of Athens)
  • Predicting toxicity fingerprints of structures and unidentified NTS-HRMS features via MLinvitroTox trained on hundreds of high throughput in vitro toxicity endpoints from ToxCast/Tox21 (Kasia Arturi, Eawag) 
  • Applying Machine Learning to derive Species Sensitivity Distributions and address data gaps in chemical risk assessment (Jordi Minnema, RIVM)


 14h30 – 16h00

World Café – Discussion corners (with coffee)
  • One Health and Early Warning – how does NORMAN contribute?
  • How to ensure long-term sustainability and resilience of the NDS
  • Substance- and environmental status indicators to measure progress toward zero pollution targets
  • Integration of environmental and human monitoring: the role of NORMAN
  • Occurrence of chemicals in society (chemicals in articles and waste streams): a new 'environmental' compartment in the scope of NORMAN?
  • Latest generation toxicity prediction models for chemicals and unknown structures 

Participants are free to visit the different corners to exchange ideas on the proposed topics. The outcomes will provide precious input for the finalization of the NORMAN JPA 2024 and beyond

 16h00 – 16h30

Coffee break
 16h30 – 17h15

Report to the plenary
 17h15 – 18h00

Financial issues
  • Voting of the Financial and Activity report 2022
  • Reporting to GA on financial issues 2022 (Treasurer, Gunnar Thorsen, IVL)
  • Election of the Steering Committee (mandate 2024 – 2026)

Dinner together, please indicate in the registration form if you wish to join (the dinner will need to be paid by the attendees)

8 December 2023 – Day 2

From 09h00 - 13h00 (CET)

 9h00 – 10h00

JPA 2024 - new proposals (2-3 slides - 5 min) (Chairs: Pawel and Werner)

Workshop on “AI for environmental monitoring and assessment of chemicals and their mixtures” (Jan Koschorreck, UBA)

NORMAN and Joint Danube Survey 5 (Jaroslav Slobodnik, EI)

TerraChem: From soils to apex species: chemical pathways, effects and impacts on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services and applications for better chemicals management (Jaroslav Slobodnik, EI)

Assessing the spectral quality and diagnostic information of MS2 data acquired with LC-ESI-HRMS (Frederic Béen, VU)

Integration of computational toxicity driver prioritization tools to support non-target screening workflows in high-throughput effect-directed analysis (Melis Muz-Massei, UFZ)

Microplastic spiked soda tablets and sandwich filters as promising approaches for round robin testing (Ralf Kägi, Eawag)

 10h00 – 11h00

World Café – Discussion corners (with coffee)

Exchange ideas among Working Groups: people will be free to circulate from one discussion corner to the other; discussion with the “visitors” will stimulate new ideas and proposals for cross-linking activities between the WGs.

 11h00 – 11h30

Coffee break
 11h30 – 12h30

Feedback from the World Café (each rapporteur reports to the plenary the main outcomes of the discussions)


 12h30 – 13h00

Wrap-up and goodbye (Jaroslav and Valeria)

Frequently Asked Questions

NORMAN Workshop On Chemical Pollutants And Biodiversity
NORMAN is an International network of more than 90 reference laboratories, research centers and related organisations for monitoring and assessment of contaminants of emerging concern. NORMAN is organizing this hybrid workshop to discuss links between environmental data and research for chemical pollutants and biodiversity.
NORMAN General Assembly meeting 2023
The General Assembly meeting is the annual event where NORMAN's 90+ member organisations meet up to present the on-going activities and discuss proposals for future research activities in synergy with other projects and networks.
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